A university beyond the walls, an institution without limits.
Academic staff, research fellows, researchers, and postgraduate students at MITRANS work in a wide range of multidisciplinary research areas, employing a wide range of methods and approaches to problem solving and innovation that are important to the government, private sectors, public, professionals, and practitioners in related industries.

Transport and Logistics
Transport and logistics is a collection of processes involved in the production, storage, inventory, delivery, and distribution of specific goods or services

Supply Chain
A supply chain is a connected system of organizations, activities, information and resources designed to source, produce and move goods from origination to a final destination—typically from a supplier to an end customer. Modern supply chains are often very complex, spanning multiple countries and involving many steps

Halal Suppy Chain
Halal integrity offers assurance and could create more demand for authentic halal products. As the integrity of halal products is the result of various processes along a supply chain, the supply chain approach is important to guarantee the halal integrity from the point of origin to the consumers.
List of research
List of Research 2
Past Research Projects:
The role of effective leadership and intellectual capital on learning organizations and its effects on the performance of Malaysian logistics industries - A case of KTMB (Malaysian Railways Bhd)
Competitiveness of logistics development: Malaysia versus advanced countries
Best Practices in Managing Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) Drivers in the Malaysian Logistics Industry
Development of guidelines for cargo crime in logistics industry
Port Cities towards green logistics
Investigating determinants of supply chain management customer value outcomes and its impact on business performance : An analysis on Malaysian convenience store retailers
Benchmarking in the trucking industry: modeling industry structure
Development of comprehensive methodology for monitoring and evaluation of hazardous material dispersion model
Logistics Service Providers' Readiness towards Service Liberalization
Development of Risk Assessment Tool for Logistics Supply Chain
Study of Cargo Flow Projection for Main Roads in Malaysia
Green and Reverse Logistics in the Supply Chain
The Impact of Information and Communicat
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We aim to collaborate with researchers within UiTM or local universities.

We welcome all prospective international researcher to collaborate with us. Obtain more information about Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) experts profile and information from us. We look forward to seeing you become a part of our big family.
Research activities